Opportunity Citizens!

Creative Solutions

It could be worse, this is a necessity we ultimately must go through, cleaning up the mess within our government. That is something to keep in mind. The citizens of the US are not happy with the bloated government, it has efficiency issues, mainly in the “defense department”.

But this wrecking ball approach these scoundrels are attempting is NOT THE ANSWER, it is illegal and being challenged and blocked by the courts at every turn. These dirty rats were just shrewd enough to see an opening to scurry in and start making enough of a mess that the citizenry would finally wake up and face the work that is required to enjoy our democratic environment.

I’m the first person to lament the state of affairs and the corruption we’ve been living with.

But the people (after the land was brutally stolen from the indigenous people) are the ones who fought for their right to govern themselves. And it doesn’t end. It is up to the citizens to demand our fair share and demand billionaires pay their share of taxes, at the very least. We must be educated to accomplish this. Education must be prioritized. There are many many government leaders that agree with educating the citizens and will work for this worthwhile objective.

Another thing that we can require in the future is: cognitive tests, age requirements. No one over 69 should be considered for the executive office.

This is our opportunity to clean up this situation, and build up from the ground a system that works for the citizens. I know people are overworked, that is part of the problem– the billionaires are so out of their minds with greed and a false sense of entitlement, they care nothing about the proletariat as actual people, or the working class if you will.

There is opportunity for employment and industry in every circumstance, we need creative thinking, organizing and people powered sustainable responsible industry. Congress has the power of the purse, but the people have the real power with our wallets and our voices. Our purchases are what drive the economy. We can mobilize and enact our own policies. For example down in Southern California, California Progress was so inspired with Kamala Harris’ affordable housing campaign that they partnered with Habitat for Humanity to implement her plan and are building affordable housing for people to buy.

We need not be dependent on government policy, there is a lot of room for enacting our own policies, which can ultimately help shape government policies, it can be a mutual effort.

This situation doesn’t have to be negative, it can be an opportunity. It is a window of opportunity, and that requires action.

Find some groups to join forces with on mobilize.us.

And check out Meidas Touch Network, including Legal AF to hear factual legal coverage so you can be informed. There is a reason that their network just hit number one in podcasts. People are realizing they were lied to, the truth is like water, it emerges and can’t be held back.

Here’s a graphic of note, taken from my friend David Innes’s page. Just a check in with the country, Thanks for stopping by the site. Drop a comment to join the community!

#Vote Forward

Creative Solutions

A letter to my cousin on the East Coast of the US

Good morning,

I know something stinks, it’s our government. It is in need of reform, and Kamala Harris talks about reform a lot. We have to be flexible at times. It took time for Biden to be convinced to drop out of the race.

P45 is so dangerous and unfit to be president. He has spread so many dangerous lies that have hurt legal immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, and then lied about FEMA efforts over by you during the two hurricanes. The lies & misinformation have caused so much chaos and harm to US citizens, lies that he started & were repeated into a frenzy. He has 70 million people that believe anything he says. It’s a cult.

He has studied speeches by Hitler. This is documented in interviews with his wife in a documentary by PBS.

He refuses to debate a second time, he won’t go on 60 minutes, he won’t release his medical records.

He is talking about using the military on US citizens who oppose him, calling people vermin. Him and his people plan to dismantle the EPA, the Department of Education, take away free weather reports. Make abortion banned in the US, and replace loads of government employees with appointees of his choosing. He wants to handle our economy by imposing tariffs on imports that will cost everyday people a lot more money in daily life, and on, and on, and on. Not to mention the climate crisis. The world would see no help from the US on that front. He does not appear keen on solar and wind.

I totally understand being disgusted by the system, but that is not an excuse to take your hands off the wheel and run it into a ditch. The US is in trouble from inside, and that is the perfect climate for a takeover that could change our country for the WORSE. I urge you to choose to help elect the candidate that will work on reform and an Opportunity America, including a Green New Deal!

Please vote to save democracy. There is only one person up for this important job who will uphold democracy and work on the positive reform that we need with the people. Kamala is a career advocate for the people. She was raised by civil rights activists. The two choices could not be more different.

The movie refs are: “The Choice 2024” by PBS Frontline

& “Unfit” directed by: Dan Partland

“70 million followers” was taken briskly from Instagram & could be exaggerated.

Earth Day Everyday

Creative Solutions

Happy Earth Day Season!

Earth Day is an inspiring time for many people! Here are a bunch of cool things we can do to pitch in and live more in harmony with our sweet planet.

Edible plants and natural cosmetics

Growing Aloe Vera and using it as a facial cosmetic is a fantastic way to take good care of your skin in a 100% natural way. When we produce our own cosmetics, we avoid the whole manufacturing/packaging/ shipping process and end up with a pure product.

Google lens makes identifying edible plants quick and easy. It’s amazing how many ARE edible. Lots of wild lettuce out there. Prickely Lettuce grows in the yard here and is delicious as an organic wild green. Another good one is Purslane, which is more dense and gelatinous. This website has an extensive index to help identify edible weeds/greens/ herbs that grow in our yards. It’s a good idea to learn to allow the wild plants to share the garden boxes with plants we grow on purpose for food.

Purslane grows wild in Southern California, and all over North America.

Check out this video that describes Purslane and how we can eat it.

It is incredibly empowering to be able to forage for wild food, not to mention a beautiful skill to have if you ever need it, one that can be developed on an ongoing basis.

This year, I made citrus tea and snacked on these edible citrus blossoms.

Each year, citrus trees bloom with the most fragrant flowers. Citrus blossoms are a special luxurious culinary ingredient to enjoy for once they start blooming in Spring. These edible flowers make incredible culinary ingredients and garnishes. If you are in a place where this happens, try making tea with them, the little flowers are really yummy and fun to garnish meals with.

Collecting Rainwater

Stockpiling rain not only helps alleviate potential flooding during the rainy seasons, but also is great for watering all the garden and trees growing on one’s property.

This young peach tree has been watered exclusively with collected rainwater all year so far!

Nature Documentaries

There’s a lot of awareness developing in the field of keeping the planet healthy, and understanding the relationship between all living things coexisting in our sweet planet home, and its natural systems. Check out Our Living World on Netflix–stunning footage of the epic beauty of Earth’s natural landscapes and biodiversity.

The wild world is savage indeed and getting to see how all the different players inter-relate is so helpful in developing a wholistic picture of the circle of life and how its vital components all fit together in keeping our planet pure and beautiful. Shows like Our Living World are helping to raise awareness in developing the necessary respect for what our planet needs to remain habitable for everyone.

Planet Earth is so infinitely rich with resources, everything we need to stay healthy. That’s why the rainforests are so essential to keep in tact. Organizations like Rainforest Action Network, and World Wildlife Fund do a great job of advocating for the health and protection of our forests and building sustainable minded community folk.

Animal rescues and personality stories like The Dodo to help spread awareness about treating animals kindly and with dignity and helping them whenever we can, and advocating for their well-being and making it a priority! These stories are gold. Animals are such beautiful little souls and shining the spotlight on people who help them to have good lives and care is a movement that is warming the heart of the world.

Reusing & Reducing Packaging

Another fantastic way to conserve resources is to reuse packaging in creative ways!

Let’s hear everyone’s ideas. This is something really worth applying our creativity toward!

Let’s make it more and more popular! We can shop the bulk bins and refill our containers of rice, chocolate chips, flours, beans & all things bulk.

Let’s celebrate not taking things that we know we are going to throw away in half an hour. Let’s respect our planet home that is so good to us and keep it clean and respect its resources that are harvested to make bags that get thrown away so soon. Let’s bring our own bags, and bottles, and cups, and utensils. Let’s move away from the unsustainable/lazy/shortsighted lifestyle of creating so much trash everyday with togo food containers. Let’s really drill the images of MICRO-PLASTICS in our bodies, micro plastics start as macro-plastics. Let’s work collectively to reject plastic wrapping and phase micro plastics in our bodies, and all around OUT already.

Let’s remember to ASK before just bagging things for folks, I think we can all agree that the days of just plastic bagging are becoming part of history! I know it’s a hard habit to break, and it can give our hands something to do to avoid feeling awkward at the checkout, but let’s get uncomforable, what have we got to lose? Let’s be creative about how to get items transported safely. Let’s stop making so much trash while it’s our choice and we’re not forced to. We just have to be AWARE.

I try to remind myself that Everyday is Earth Day, and live it like a mindset.

All photography by: Anna Thoreau courtesy of Aesdiopod Designs @aesdiopod