Opportunity Citizens!

Creative Solutions

It could be worse, this is a necessity we ultimately must go through, cleaning up the mess within our government. That is something to keep in mind. The citizens of the US are not happy with the bloated government, it has efficiency issues, mainly in the “defense department”.

But this wrecking ball approach these scoundrels are attempting is NOT THE ANSWER, it is illegal and being challenged and blocked by the courts at every turn. These dirty rats were just shrewd enough to see an opening to scurry in and start making enough of a mess that the citizenry would finally wake up and face the work that is required to enjoy our democratic environment.

I’m the first person to lament the state of affairs and the corruption we’ve been living with.

But the people (after the land was brutally stolen from the indigenous people) are the ones who fought for their right to govern themselves. And it doesn’t end. It is up to the citizens to demand our fair share and demand billionaires pay their share of taxes, at the very least. We must be educated to accomplish this. Education must be prioritized. There are many many government leaders that agree with educating the citizens and will work for this worthwhile objective.

Another thing that we can require in the future is: cognitive tests, age requirements. No one over 69 should be considered for the executive office.

This is our opportunity to clean up this situation, and build up from the ground a system that works for the citizens. I know people are overworked, that is part of the problem– the billionaires are so out of their minds with greed and a false sense of entitlement, they care nothing about the proletariat as actual people, or the working class if you will.

There is opportunity for employment and industry in every circumstance, we need creative thinking, organizing and people powered sustainable responsible industry. Congress has the power of the purse, but the people have the real power with our wallets and our voices. Our purchases are what drive the economy. We can mobilize and enact our own policies. For example down in Southern California, California Progress was so inspired with Kamala Harris’ affordable housing campaign that they partnered with Habitat for Humanity to implement her plan and are building affordable housing for people to buy.

We need not be dependent on government policy, there is a lot of room for enacting our own policies, which can ultimately help shape government policies, it can be a mutual effort.

This situation doesn’t have to be negative, it can be an opportunity. It is a window of opportunity, and that requires action.

Find some groups to join forces with on mobilize.us.

And check out Meidas Touch Network, including Legal AF to hear factual legal coverage so you can be informed. There is a reason that their network just hit number one in podcasts. People are realizing they were lied to, the truth is like water, it emerges and can’t be held back.

Here’s a graphic of note, taken from my friend David Innes’s page. Just a check in with the country, Thanks for stopping by the site. Drop a comment to join the community!

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